You can cancel a maintenance plan after meeting the retention times, as long as it is requested 15 business days in advance .
You have to bear in mind that if you have paid the monthly fee, it will not be returned or the proportion of it, even if you have requested the cancellation before the end of the paid month.
Cause leave before the end of the stay time
Only for just cause of cessation of business activity, the client can unsubscribe before complying with the periods of permanence.
If the customer requests cancellation before the end of the term or if the customer fails to pay the monthly fee, Liewebs will stop providing the maintenance service to the customer as soon as it becomes aware of the situation and will proceed as stipulated in the commercial contract signed prior to the start of the service. In addition, you will not be able to contract maintenance services again for a minimum period of 1 year as a penalty.
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