We sponsor the Comparsa DX EL JARDÍN – Carnavales Sevilla/Cádiz 2022

Published On: 20 de February de 2022

We are present at the Carnivals! We sponsor one of the best Sevillian Comparsas in the Seville/Cádiz Carnival 2022. The DX Comparsa “EL JARDÍN”

At Liewebs we did not want to miss the celebration of these 2022 Carnivals in Andalusia with one of the best Sevillian Comparsas, La Comparsa DX “EL JARDÍN”. We sponsor your participation in the different contests that are going to be held by several of the towns of Seville and Cádiz.

From Liewebs we send all our support and energy to this wonderful Comparsa, who with their lyrics and voices are putting passion, feelings and color into the enormous and beautiful garden of life.

Carmona Carnival Contest (Seville) – Semifinals 2022

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